“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Ghandi

Saturday, May 19, 2012

almost time

In six days, Rebecca and I will board an airplane that will take us half way around the world to an unknown place. When we first started talking about the idea of me joining her on this trip, I am not sure if I really thought it would happen. Not for her, but for me. It seemed like such a daring thing to do: to take off and leave the rest of my family for a 5 week-long journey to a place most of us have only read about.

But the time is near, and it is very real. The dining room table is covered with "things" we need to pack: cameras, laptop, chargers, batteries, power converters, shampoo and all the "luxuries" we are not sure if we can buy over there: bandages, antibiotic ointment, and all manner of medicines to combat intestinal problems, headaches, you name it, it's on my table. Mosquito repellent (they're fierce in Tanzania and carry malaria and yellow fever), sunscreen (even though it is "winter" there, the sun is very strong as they are close to the equator), flashlights and headlamps for the frequent power outages......so much stuff! And we haven't even gotten to the clothes yet, although there isn't much to bring, just some old t-shirts and cargo pants as no one really pays too much attention to looks or dress. The environment is tough on clothes and we have been advised to pack light and expect what we bring to wear out before we get home. Oh, and no hair dyers, or makeup. Headbands are good, bandanas, baseball caps to keep your hair out of your face. "Leave your western ideals at home" we have been cautioned. I think it will be a pleasant change.


  1. Looks like you're extremely well-prepared, Kathy! ;) wish you safe travels & Welcome to Tanzania soon! :)

  2. This is pretty cool Kath. I look forward to following your adventure.


  3. I'm so proud of both of you. You are both going to have an amazing experience that you will never forget. Lindsey

  4. So many of your dreams coming true this year! Isn't it amazing to think that our lives can truly begin again at any age. You have had a remarkable year and I know this trip with your daughter will change you forever. We wish you a safe journey and safe home. Kathlynn
